On April 4th, five of my friends and I will pile into a single van and tag team running 200(ish) miles, day and night, relay-style from Huntington Beach to San Diego. This... is Ragnar!
So what is Ragnar? Ragnar is a mental and physical test of endurance. It's heaven and hell mixed into a 200 mile relay race. Most teams consist of 12 runners each running three legs over the course of 24-36 hours. For a few, it's six runners each running six legs. This year, my second, I will be one of the six cogs of team #yogging.
The question you are likely asking yourself is the same one I have asked myself over and over: Why? Why would I run a 200 mile relay with five of my friends? The answer may surprise you. I am doing it because I care and because I can. I care about making an impact and I care about raising money for good causes.
What you may not realize is that the number of homeless families with children continues to grow, and it is a very real crisis for the children. According to the San Diego County Office of Education, there are more than 18,000 homeless students in San Diego County alone.
Fortunately, there is help. Monarch is a school providing an excellent academic and a supportive environment in which any student in San Diego County who is impacted by homelessness will receive an education and grow personally to become a highly motivated, contributing member of society. Take a look for yourself.